Our research.
All medications used in the U.S. (and most other countries) must be rigorously tested to meet the standards set by the FDA and other regulatory agencies. These tests include highly-monitored and regulated trials with healthy human subjects. By contracting with a CRO for these tests, manufacturers who do not have their own testing facilities can be assured that their products will be tested under the high standards required by the FDA and that the tests will be conducted in a short time frame at a reasonable cost. This leads to more efficient delivery of drugs to the marketplace and lower overall costs.
Dr. Dorian Williams, the research facility's PI stressed the importance of generic medications. All medications used in the U.S. must be rigorously tested to meet the standards set by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and other regulatory agencies. These tests include highly monitored and regulated trials with healthy human subjects. By contracting with CPRC for these tests, manufacturers can be assured that their products will be tested under the high standards required by the FDA and that the tests will be conducted in a short time frame at a reasonable cost. This leads to more efficient delivery of drugs to the marketplace and lower overall costs.
Research and risk.
All human-subject research has risk. The CPRC’s first priority is protecting the health and safety of research volunteers and making sure each volunteer is fully informed before participating in any research. "Our first priority is protecting the health and safety of research volunteers and making sure each volunteer is fully informed before participating", Dr. Dorian Williams stated. All trials must be approved in advance by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) to assure compliance with safety and informed-consent standards, and all participants are monitored throughout the research process by trained health professionals. CPRC’s designated IRB is the Western Institutional Review Board. (wirb.com)