Seeking healthy volunteers
May 2, 2015 at 4:30 PM
763 Chestnut Ridge Road
Morgantown WV 26506
WVU CPRC is recruiting healthy males and females between the ages of 21-45 who are nonsmoking/non tobacco users. Potential participants must have a moderate alcohol consumption of (1) 12 oz. beer, 4 oz. glass of wine, or 1.5 oz. of 80 proof alcohol per day and a BMI between 23-35. The study will have 4 periods checking in on a Saturday and checking out on Monday evening with at least 3 returns during the month of May. Study payment could be up to $3200. If you would like more information please contact us at 304-581-1404 or [email protected]. You can also visit our website and complete an online participant interest form.
21-45 alcohol consumption years of age
Males at least 176lbs and females 158lbs;
Moderate alcohol consumption ( 1 12 oz beer or 4 oz. wine, 1.5 oz 80 proof alcohol at least per day)
birth control permitted
Recruit from previous Naltrexone studies (BUN01,BUN02, ZUB02 and ZUB01 if can)
Study payment could be up to $3273 s the actual payment amount)
This is a fasting alcohol study with 4 periods (weekends) occurring May 2nd-4th, May 9th-May 11th, May 16th-May 18th, and May 23rd-May 25th. This study will also require an additional screening day of April 18th or April 19th, more information regarding this second screening appointment and specific times will be provided to you at your first screening appointment. Study Check-in will occur on May 2nd, May 9th, May 16th, and May 23rd with females checking in at 4:30PM and males at 5:00PM. Clinic checkout will occur the evenings of May 4th, May 11th, May 18th, and May 25th. There will be 3 returns in each weekend period. Return visits will occur the mornings and evenings of May 5th, May 12th, May 19th, and May 26th. Returns will also occur the morning of May 6th, May 13th, May 20th, and May 27th. Contact us about this study.