Upcoming Events and Studies
Seeking healthy volunteers for paid clinical research paying up to $1208!
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
We are anticipating an in house study that will require a 4 day stay, starting on Friday June 17th -Tuesday June 21st. Check in will occur on the evening of Friday June 17th and check out will occur in the morning of Tuesday June 21st. More detailed information regarding times, days and procedures will be provided to you at your screening visit. For more information please contact us at 1-888-991-2772 or email us at [email protected].
Seeking healthy men and women for upcoming in-house patch study paying up to $1875!
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
We are recruiting for a patch study occurring three weeks which will be May 9-May 11, May 16-May 18 and May 23-May 25. Check-in will occur in the evening of Monday; May 9, May 16, and May 23. Checkout will occur on the evenings of Wednesday May 11, May 18, and May 25 with a return on the mornings of Thursday May 12, May 19 and May 26. Could be compensated up to $1875 depending on the procedures involved with the study. For more information please contact us at 1-888-991-2772 or email us at [email protected].
Seeking healthy volunteers for in house patch study paying up to $1875
Thursday, March 17, 2016
We are recruiting for a patch study occurring three weekends which will be April 22-April 24, April 29-May 1 and May 6-May 8. Check-in will occur on each Friday; April 22, April 29, and May 6. Checkout will occur on the evenings of Sunday April 24, May 1, and may 8 with a return on the Monday mornings after check out. Could be compensated up to $1875 depending on the procedures involved with the study. For more information please contact us at 1-888-991-2772 or email us at [email protected].
Seeking healthy males and for upcoming study paying up to $1200!
Monday, March 7, 2016
We are anticipating a study that will involve a two weekend stay during the month of April and will include the weekends of April 8-10 and April 15-17. This study will check in on Friday April 8 and April 15 and check out in the evening of Sunday April 10 and April 17. The study will have a return on the Monday mornings of April 11 and April 18. More detailed information regarding times, days and procedures will be provided to you at your screening visit. For more information please contact us at 1-888-991-2772 or email us at [email protected].
Upcoming outpatient patch study paying up to $2000!
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
We are anticipating an outpatient patch study starting the last week in February and continuing into the month of March and ending during the month of April. This study will possibly require twice a week (outpatient) visits for three consecutive weeks, with no blood draws and a two week break and then a two day challenge. Your first visit will last approximately 3-4 hours and all of the following visits approximately 1-2 hours per visit with various time slots on designated days. More detailed information regarding times, days and procedures will be provided to you at your screening visit.
Upcoming study paying up to $2000
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
We are anticipating an outpatient patch study starting the first week in March (March 7) and continuing throughout the month of March into April with an anticipated finish at the end of April. This study will possibly require twice a week (outpatient on Monday and Thursdays) visits for three consecutive weeks with no blood draws and a two week break and then a two day challenge. Your first visit will last approximately 3-4 hours and all of the following visits approximately 1-2 hours per visit with various time slots on designated days. More detailed information regarding times, days and procedures will be provided to you at your screening visit. For more information please contact us at 1-888-991-2772 or email us at [email protected].
Join over 2 million people* throughout the US helping to advance medicine. Volunteer today.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
We are anticipating a patch study occurring the first three weekends in December (December 4th -December 6th, December 11th - December 13th, and December 18th- December 20th). Check-in will most likely occur on the first (December 4th), second (December 11th) and third (December 18th) Friday of December. Checkout will most likely occur on the evenings of Sunday December 6th, Sunday December 13th and Sunday December 20th with a return anticipated on the mornings after check out. Could be compensated up to $1800 depending on the procedures involved with the study. For more information please contact us at 1-888-991-2772 or email us at [email protected].
Seeking healthy volunteers for paid clinical research!
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
We are anticipating a fasting study occurring October 23-October 25 and November 13-November 15. We are anticipating that check-in will be on Friday October 23rd and November 13th with females checking in slightly earlier than the males. Clinic check out will most likely occur the morning of October 25th and November 15th with a return the same evening (October 25th and November 15th). There will most likely be return visits the mornings of October 26th and October 27th and November 16th and November 17th.
Seeking healthy participants for paid clinical research!
Monday, September 21, 2015
If you are a healthy male ages 18 or older, or post-menopausal female, a non-smoker/non-tobacco user you could be compensated up to $1200 by participating in an upcoming research study.
Seeking healthy participants for paid clinical research!
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
If you are a healthy male ages 18 or older, or post-menopausal female, a non-smoker/non-tobacco user you could be compensated up to $1200 by participating in an upcoming research study.